Located at TriSisters Art House (1370 King ST N., St. Jacobs)
Speaker and Hands On Demo
Friday May 24th – The Grand River Quilt Project – Pat Flood

Theatre designer and artist, Pat Flood shared the Grand River Quilt Project. This is part of a larger project celebrating the Grand River in art, storytelling, theatre and music. Over the past two years, this group has been travelling along the Grand River meeting people, organizing story circles and performing.
One of the many results of the work done so far is the Grand River Quilt. This quilt will tour length of the Grand River in August of 2025 as part of a touring performance featuring theatre and art.
Friday May 24th – Cathy Disbrow – Needle Felt Painting
Using a variety of wool colours, fibre artist and instructor Cathy Disbrow taught participants how to needle felt a 6″ x 4″ wool painting of a lush green landscape with a flock of sheep.

Valerie Prideaux – Tumbler Quilts
Valerie zoomed in to share her quilting journey exploring the tumbler block. She wrote: Tumbler Quilts: Just One Shape, Endless Possibilities.

A Grand Fabrication; Truth Tales and Art of a Heritage River
Jax Rula shared stories of life along the Grand River as told through doll art. Special Guest Alison Hall shared her felted birds of the watershed.